Rikin Patel of 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052 – How a Business Can Avoid Spending a Fortune on Advertising

Rikin Patel of 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 is a business owner who always tries to promote his business efficiently.

For most business owners, marketing and advertising remain a frustrating and expensive mystery. This is one part of their business they would usually try to avoid because they simply do not understand how to get acceptable results with it. Not knowing what exactly to do, they would often look at the advertising they see around them and try to copy it.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052The problem with this approach is that most of the noticeable advertising is paid for by big multinational corporations.

For example, in 2014, McDonald’s had spent US$2.49 billion on advertising worldwide. McDonald’s can afford to do it, because it has over thirty-six thousand locations in 119 countries worldwide.

You probably can’t afford to do the same. If you are a business owner, one of your responsibilities is to attract new customers. If this is painful and problematic, there is a solution. The solution is to do more business with customers that you already have.

There are two easy ways to do so. The first way is to have cross-sells, which means offering different products to existing customers.

For example, if you have a grocery store that sells wine, you could be offering a selection of cheeses to all customers that decide to purchase one. This is a cross-sell.

The second way to increase the amount of money that your current customers spend with you is to have upsells. An upsell is when you offer a better version of a product or an additional service once your customers complete their purchase. Rikin Patel of 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 uses these and other strategies in his business with great success.

Rikin Patel of 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052 – How to Handle a Business Turnaround

Rikin Patel of 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 is a pharmacist and a business owner.

If your business is it trouble, the first thing you need to do is be honest with yourself. You need to forget about your ego. You need to stop blaming others. None of this matters when you have urgent problems to solve.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052You need to start with identifying and diagnosing problems and issues. No one can be hiding anything at this stage. This may sound simple, but it is very hard to implement in real life. Everybody has a natural response to start covering their tracks and blame others. If certain employees can’t be honest with themselves and you about what happened and what the real problems are, either they have to go or the business will stop its existence.

The biggest problem a business can have is running out of cash. Most of the other problems have solutions. You can even handle a turnaround with no profits, but you do need to have cash flow.

Crisis in business is common. Car manufacturers recall thousands of cars with potentially lethal issues on a regular basis, yet they manage to stay in business.

If you find yourself in a critical situation, you need to immediately become very uptight about spending every penny. Pay bills in small installments. Negotiate new terms with suppliers. The worst thing you can do is spend all your cash or, even worse, more than you have to appease your creditors.

Getting out of crisis is important if you want to create a successful business like Whitehall Pharmacy that belongs to Rikin Patel and is located at 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052.

Rikin Patel of 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052 – How to Be Successful in Pharmaceuticals as a Business Owner

Rikin Patel is a professional pharmacist and business owner who currently operates Whitehall Pharmacy located at 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052. He established the pharmacy in 2014, after having spent several years serving in retail. Being a pharmacy professional can be difficult, but here are some tips for starting your own pharmacy successful.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052

First, you’ll want to establish a location, and survey the community in which you’ll serve. Do some preliminary research on the kinds of clients you’re most likely to have, and make sure you can anticipate their needs. Operating a pharmacy is like operating any business; you have to be able to provide your clients with what they need, and adapt to changes.

Second, start building relationships as soon as you build your company. Develop relationships with healthcare providers in the area so that there can be an open line of communication between the patient, pharmacist, and doctor should discrepancies arise. This will make it much easier on the patient who relies on successful communication in order to get prescriptions filled.

Third, make sure you to get to know your clients and patients through one on one care. When you can gain trust from your clients, especially in the healthcare industry, you’ll have clients for as long as your business operates. Successful pharmacists get to know the community in which they serve so that their patients feel comfortable coming to them.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 is the owner of Whitehall Pharmacy located at 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052, and he is dedicated to providing excellent patient care. He knows what it takes to be successful in the industry.

Rikin Patel of 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052 – How to Be a Successful Manager

Rikin Patel is a current business owner and pharmacist who operates Whitehall Pharmacy located at 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052. He has worked hard in order to secure the success of his pharmacy, and he understands that being a manager and business owner is difficult.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052In order to be a successful manager, you have to manage with trust. Good managers don’t hover over their employees making sure every task gets completed; they trust that their employees are responsible enough to get their tasks done on their own time. Studies show that employees work better when managers are willing to step back, and use trust when dealing daily tasks.

You also have to manage with compassion and understanding. If you have an employee who rarely makes a mistake, but happens to make one on a specific task, don’t get angry. You need to figure out why the mistake was made in the first place, and work with your employee to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.
Lastly, you need to be able to motivate your employees. Some managers use team building exercises to help get their employees enthusiastic about working together and achieving common goals. Think of your employees as your teammates rather than simply professionals who work for you; make yourself a part of the team to show you’re working just as hard.

Rikin Patel of 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052 always strives to manage using trust, compassion and understanding, and through proper motivational techniques.

Rikin Patel of 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052 – Tips for Business Owners

Rikin Patel is a successful business owner and pharmacist who operates Whitehall Pharmacy located at 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052. After spending time in retail upon his graduation from pharmaceutical school, he decided he wanted to help his community on his own terms, and he founded Whitehall in 2014. Here are some tips for business owners.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052
Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052

First, develop a business model that helps you plan for the future. When you start a business, typically you’ll need to obtain investors and capital in order to take care of the initial start-up costs. Investors will want to know that you’ve thought long and hard about the business itself, and that you’re prepared for what’s going to come next.

Second, make sure you do some research about the industry you’re entering into. This means checking into the competition, the latest trends and technologies, and what it is the consumers really want from business owners in the field. Research will help you establish realist goals for the future of your company, and you’ll know exactly what you need to reach those goals.

Third, make sure you hire the right people you share your vision and your enthusiasm. As a business owner, you care deeply about the future of your company, and you need to hire people who share those feelings. Hire the people you know will work their hardest.

Rikin Patel, who operates Whitehall Pharmacy at 4117 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052, understands that owning a business takes a great deal of work. He is prepared for the future, and he knows what to do in order to grow while continuing to serve.

Rikin Patel of 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 – Foot Care Tips for Diabetics

Rikin Patel is the founder and head pharmacist at Whitehall Pharmacy located at 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052. He was born in London, England but moved to the United States with his parents. For several years, he worked as a retail pharmacist and graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in 2012. Rikin Patel opened Whitehall Pharmacy at 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 with the aim of providing quality healthcare and counseling to patients. He regularly provides free health classes on various diseases including diabetes. Here are a couple of foot care tips for diabetics.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052

Check Your Feet
Make sure you check both your feet daily. Look between your toes for any discoloration, blisters or infections. The problem with diabetes is that if there are infections and blisters on your feet, you most likely won’t notice or feel them until they become infected. Check your feet daily and ask a family member to help if you cannot see your feet properly.

Warm Water Wash
If you have diabetes, you might want to wash your feet with warm water every day. Do not soak your feet in water too long, and avoid using hot water because waterlogged sores take longer to heal. Use a soft towel to gently pat your feet dry, taking care to wipe between your toes.

Use the Right Size Shoes
Make sure you wear the right size shoes or you could end up having a blister. With diabetes, blisters can quickly turn into sores and become a wound that gets infected and does not heal. You might want to invest a bit of money and buy good quality shoes and socks.

Rikin Patel of 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 has counseled several people on how to take care of their health.

Source: http://www.webmd.com/diabetes/tips-foot-care

Rikin Patel of Whitehall Pharmacy, 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 – What You Should Know Before Using an Online Pharmacy

Rikin Patel worked as a retail pharmacist before founding Whitehall Pharmacy at 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052. He founded The Whitehall Pharmacy with the aim of helping patients and giving back to the community. With the rising cost of medication in the United States, people are looking for cheaper medication online. In 2014, Americans spent over $374 billion on prescription drugs, a 13% increase from 2013. Rikin Patel of 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052, shares a few things you should know before using an online pharmacy.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052What is an Online Pharmacy?

An online pharmacy is an Internet-based vendor of prescription medication. Since they operate online, they are able to serve a larger clientele that many brick-and-mortar pharmacies, and also sell medication at more affordable prices.

Not all Online Pharmacies are the Same

There are several online pharmacies, some are legal and some are not. There are several online pharmacies that operate out of Mexico and India, where drugs are manufactured without the stringent guidelines and regulations as in the United States and Canada. Drugs and medication from these pharmacies might be a variant of the U.S. drug version and might have incorrect dosage. When using an online pharmacy, you will need to make sure it is a legit online pharmacy.

Rikin Patel of 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 is an experienced pharmacist and operates a reputable pharmacy.

Source: https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/health/medical-costs/online-pharmacy/

Rikin Patel of Whitehall Pharmacy,4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 – Pharmacy Exam Tips You Can Use

Rikin Patel is the head pharmacy at Whitehall Pharmacy, 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052. He was born in London, England but grew up in the United States. He has several years’ experience working as a retail pharmacist at chain stores. Rikin Patel graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in 2012 and founded Whitehall Pharmacy located at 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 in February 2014 with the aim of providing quality health care and medication at affordable prices to patients.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052The pharmacy board exam is the last step to receiving your pharmacy license, for which you have been studying the past three to four years. Just like any other exam, you will need to be completely prepared to take the exams. Just wishing for luck to pass the exam won’t do you any good. You will have to make sure you have gone through your study material and know what to expect. Here are a couple of tips you can use.

  • Get copies of your old pharmacy exams and use them for reference as you prepare for your exams.
  • Avoid cramming for the exams, because it will only cause you to forget what you have studied earlier.
  • Get a good night’s sleep prior to taking your exams. Do not use the night prior to your exams for an “all-night study session”. You will end up becoming stressed. Your preparation starts the moment you enroll in pharmacy school, and trying to cram four years of study in one night is an impossible task.
  • Pay close attention to studying and reviewing pharmacy laws, as this is one of the most crucial parts of the exam.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052, chief pharmacist at Whitehall Pharmacy, 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 attended the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.

Source: http://www.pharmacytimes.com/publications/career/2009/careers_2009-02/careers_2009-02_016

Rikin Patel of Whitehall Pharmacy 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 – What You Need to Know About Being a Pharmacist

Rikin Patel is the head pharmacist at Whitehall Pharmacy located at 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052. He was born in London, England but moved to the United States with his parents. He graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and has several years’ experience in retail pharmacy. Rikin Patel founded Whitehall Pharmacy at 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 with the aim of helping people in the community have access to quality healthcare and medication at affordable prices. Here are a couple of things you need to know about being a pharmacist.

While pharmaceuticals manufacture medicines, it is the pharmacist who helps patients with their prescription drugs. New drugs are constantly being developed and introduced to the market, and it is the job of the pharmacist to stay informed on the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry. He will have to educate himself on how the drugs interact with the human body and how they should be administered to patients.

A pharmacist has to receive his Doctor of Pharmacy, or Pharm.D. degree and be licensed by the state to legally work in a pharmacy. To receive a degree in pharmacy, he will have to have three or four years of postgraduate study that includes pharmacology, chemistry, and medical ethics. He will also need to have supervised experience working in the different pharmacy setting including hospitals and retail pharmacies.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052After completing the degree course or Pharm.D. program, a pharmacist will need to take two exams in order to receive a license. The first exam is about pharmacy knowledge and skills, and the second is related to state pharmacy laws. Additionally, pharmacists are required to have 45 hours of continuing education once in three years, plus three hours of training to reduce the risk of prescription errors.

Rikin Patel 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 has been in the pharmacy business for several years.

Source: http://work.chron.com/major-duties-responsibilities-being-pharmacist-12230.html